*所有圖片僅供參考 MS 移液器是一款可靠的儀器,可輕鬆執行準確、無污染的實驗。 基於人體工學和舒適性的最新創新,主體設計方便右手或左手、大小手操作。新的活塞機構設計需要低移液力和低維護頻率。堅固的結構完全可高壓滅菌且耐化學腐蝕,為使用者提供無污染且安全的實驗環境。 現場校準很容易執行。此外,MS Pipette 與市場上大多數品牌的吸頭相容。通過 ISO 認證,為客戶提供品質、功能、服務和價格的「最佳價值」組合。 且所有配件均可透過我們取得。 體積精準且省力,避免大拇指疲勞痠痛 A. 按鈕 (具備顏色編碼,方便快速確認工作體積)紐 B. 操作桿 C. 可調整角度退吸頭(tip)按鈕 D. 體積顯示 E. 連接螺母 F. 吸頭支桿 G. 可拆卸吸頭彈射裝置 使用序號方便檢索出廠年齡 Major Science Pipette Tip Adapter MS Pipette *Technical specification and price not final and are subject to change.新密封件和更輕彈簧的設計以及高品質潤滑劑的使用:
Single Channel Models Cat No. Volume (µL) SPECIFICATIONS ISO 8655 Systematic Error Random Error Systematic Error Random Error (µL) (%) (µL) (%) (µL) (%) (µL) (%) MSP-2 0.2 ±0.026 ±13.2% MSP-2 0.2 ±0.026 ±13.2% MSP-2 0.2 2 ±0.033 ±1.7% 2 ±0.033 ±1.7% 2 MSP-10 1 ±0.028 ±2.8% MSP-10 1 ±0.028 ±2.8% MSP-10 1 10 ±0.110 ±1.1% 10 ±0.110 ±1.1% 10 MSP-20 2 ±0.11 ±5.5% MSP-20 2 ±0.11 ±5.5% MSP-20 2 20 ±0.20 ±1.0% 20 ±0.20 ±1.0% 20 MSP-100 10 ±0.39 ±3.9% MSP-100 10 ±0.39 ±3.9% MSP-100 10 100 ±0.80 ±0.8% 100 ±0.80 ±0.8% 100 MSP-200 20 ±0.55 ±2.8% MSP-200 20 ±0.55 ±2.8% MSP-200 20 200 ±1.60 ±0.8% 200 ±1.60 ±0.8% 200 MSP-1000 100 ±3.3 ±3.3% MSP-1000 100 ±3.3 ±3.3 MSP-1000 100 1000 ±0.8 ±8.0% 1000 ±0.8 ±8.0% 1000 MSP-5000 500 ±13 ±2.6% MSP-5000 500 ±13 ±2.6% MSP-5000 500 5000 ±33 ±0.7% 5000 ±33 ±0.7% 5000 MSP-10000 1000 ±33 ±3.3% MSP-10000 1000 ±33 ±3.3% MSP-10000 1000 10000 ±60 ±0.6% 10000 ±60 ±0.6% 10000 Multichannel Models Cat No. Volume (µL) SPECIFICATIONS ISO 8655 Systematic Error Random Error Systematic Error Random Error (µL) (%) (µL) (%) (µL) (%) (µL) (%) MSP-8X10 0.5 ±0.09 ±17.6% MSP-8X10 0.5 ±0.09 ±17.6% MSP-8X10 0.5 MSP-8X20 2 ±0.11 ±5.5% MSP-8X20 2 ±0.11 ±5.5% MSP-8X20 2 MSP-8X200 20 ±0.6 ±2.8% MSP-8X200 20 ±0.6 ±2.8% MSP-8X200 20 MSP-8X300 20 ±1.1 ±3.7% MSP-8X300 20 ±1.1 ±3.7% MSP-8X300 20 MSP-12X10 10 ±0.22 ±2.2% MSP-12X10 10 ±0.22 ±2.2% MSP-12X10 10 MSP-12X20 20 ±0.40 ±2.0% MSP-12X20 20 ±0.40 ±2.0% MSP-12X20 20 MSP-12X200 200 ±2.2 ±1.1% MSP-12X200 200 ±2.2 ±1.1% MSP-12X200 200 MSP-12X300 300 ±3.3 ±1.1% MSP-12X300 300 ±3.3 ±1.1% MSP-12X300 300 Cat. No Description MSP-2 MS pipette, variable volume 0.2~2μl MSP-10 MS pipette, variable volume 1~10μl MSP-20 MS pipette, variable volume 2~20μl MSP-100 MS pipette, variable volume 10~100μl MSP-200 MS pipette, variable volume 20~200μl MSP-1000 MS pipette, variable volume 100~1000μl MSP-5000 MS pipette, variable volume 500~5000μl MSP-10000 MS pipette, variable volume 1000~10000μl 八爪 MSP-8X10 MS 8-ch pipette, variable volume 0.5~10μl MSP-8X20 MS 8-ch pipette, variable volume 2~20μl MSP-8X200 MS 8-ch pipette, variable volume 20~200μl MSP-8X300 MS 8-ch pipette, variable volume 20~300μl 12爪 MSP-12X10 MS 12-ch pipette, variable volume 0.5~10μl MSP-12X20 MS 12-ch pipette, variable volume 2~20μl MSP-12X200 MS 12-ch pipette, variable volume 20~200μl MSP-12X300 MS 12-ch pipette, variable volume 20~300μl MSP-ST03 Pipette Stand Single channel / Multichannel models
Cat No. Volume (µL) SPECIFICATIONS ISO 8655 Systematic error Random error Systematic error Random error (µL) (%) (µL) (%) (µL) (%) (µL) (%) MSP-2 0.2 ±0.026 ±13.2% ≤0.013 ≤6.6% ±0.080 ±40.0% ≤0.040 ≤20.0% 2 ±0.033 ±1.7% ≤0.015 ≤0.8% ±0.080 ±4.0% ≤0.040 ≤2.0% MSP-10 1 ±0.028 ±2.8% ≤0.013 ≤1.3% ±0.120 ±12.0% ≤0.080 ≤0.8% 10 ±0.110 ±1.1% ≤0.044 ≤0.4% ±0.120 ±1.2% ≤0.080 ≤0.8% MSP-20 2 ±0.11 ±5.5% ≤0.033 ≤1.7% ±0.20 ±10.0% ≤0.100 ≤5.0% 20 ±0.20 ±1.0% ≤0.066 ≤0.3% ±0.20 ±1.0% ≤0.100 ≤0.5% MSP-100 10 ±0.39 ±3.9% ≤0.11 ≤1.1% ±0.80 ±8.0% ≤0.030 ≤3.0% 100 ±0.80 ±0.8% ≤0.17 ≤0.2% ±0.80 ±8.0% ≤0.030 ≤0.3% MSP-200 20 ±0.55 ±2.8% ≤0.22 ≤1.1% ±1.60 ±8.0% ≤0.60 ≤3.0% 200 ±1.60 ±0.8% ≤0.33 ≤0.2% ±1.60 ±0.8% ≤0.60 ≤0.3% MSP-1000 100 ±3.3 ±3.3% ≤0.7 ≤0.7% ±8.0 ±8.0% ≤3.0 ≤3.0% 1000 ±0.8 ±8.0% ≤1.7 ≤0.2% ±8.0 ±0.8% ≤3.0 ≤0.3% MSP-5000 500 ±13 ±2.6% ≤3.3 ≤0.7% ±40 ±8.0% ≤15 ≤3.0% 5000 ±33 ±0.7% ≤8.8 ≤0.2% ±40 ±0.8% ≤15 ≤0.3% MSP-10000 1000 ±33 ±3.3% ≤6.6 ≤0.7% ±60 ±6.0% ≤30 ≤3.0% 10000 ±60 ±0.6% ≤17.6 ≤0.2% ±60 ±0.6% ≤30 ≤0.3% MSP-8X10 0.5 ±0.09 ±17.6% ≤0.04 ≤8.8% ±0.24 ±48.0% ≤0.16 ≤32.0% MSP-8X20 2 ±0.11 ±5.5% ≤0.09 ≤4.4% ±0.40 ±20.0% ≤0.20 ≤10.0% MSP-8X200 20 ±0.6 ±2.8% ≤0.28 ≤1.4% ±3.2 ±16.0% ≤1.20 ≤6.0% MSP-8X300 20 ±1.1 ±3.7% ≤0.39 ≤1.3% ±8.0 ±26.7% ≤3.00 ≤10.0% MSP-12X10 10 ±0.22 ±2.2% ≤0.11 ≤1.1% ±0.24 ±2.4% ≤0.16 ≤1.6% MSP-12X20 20 ±0.40 ±2.0% ≤0.17 ≤0.8% ±0.40 ±2.0% ≤0.20 ≤1.0% MSP-12X200 200 ±2.2 ±1.1% ≤0.55 ≤0.3% ±3.2 ±1.6% ≤1.20 ≤0.6% MSP-12X300 300 ±3.3 ±1.1% ≤1.10 ≤0.4% ±8.0 ±2.7% ≤3.00 ≤1.0% MSP-2 MSP-200 MSP-8X10 MSP-12X10 MSP-100 MSP-1000 MSP-8X20 MSP-12X20 MSP-20 MSP-5000 MSP-8X200 MSP-12X200 MSP-100 MSP-10000 MSP-8X300 MSP-12X300
- 235 新北市中和區橋和路85號3樓
- 3F., No. 85, Qiaohe Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- TEL: 886-2-8226-6598
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