BCA Protein Assay Kit is developed based on one of the most widely used method for protein
concentration assay-Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) method. It provides a convenient format for
stable and sensitive detection and quantitation of total protein. This method combines the
well-known reduction of Cu +2 to Cu +1 by protein in an alkaline medium (the biuret reaction)with the highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of the cuprous cation (Cu +1 )
using a unique reagent containing bicinchoninic acid. The purple-colored reaction product of
this assay is formed by the chelation of two molecules of BCA with one cuprous ion. For research
use only 2 This water-soluble complex exhibits a strong absorbance at 562 nm that is nearly
linear with increasing protein concentrations. This kit contains ready-to-use coomassie G-250
dye and bovine serum albumin as protein standards. The working range is 20-2,000 μg/ml.