Agarose L.E.

Catalogue No : PB1200、PB1200.100

Size: 500g、100、5g(Sample)

Storage : RT


Appearance White to off-white powder
EEO ≤ 0.13
Gelling Point 36°C±1.5°C (1.5% gel)
Melting Point 88°C±1.5°C (1.5% gel)
Solubility Clear colorless solution at 1g in 100ml water
Moisture ≤ 10%
Gel Strength ≥ 1200 g/cm2 (1% Gel)
Sulfate ≤ 0.15%
Ash ≤ 0.5%
Impurities (DNase, RNase, Protease, and Endonuclease) None Detected